Module 5 – SLP

Module 5 – SLP
Obstacles and Pitfalls to Success

For the last component of the project please prepare a PowerPoint presentation describing the healthcare management problem you worked on in this capstone course.
SLP Assignment Expectations

The slides of the presentation must specifically contain the following:

Introduction: (background and context of the problem)
Importance/relevance and extent of the problem
Stakeholder issues
Legal, ethical, financial implications.
Possible solutions and current attempts
Specific plan and its likelihood of success

Length: This assignment should be at least 10 slides in length.

References: At least 15 references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles).

Clarity: (e.g. points are concise and understandable)

Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of spelling.

Your PowerPoint presentation must include an oral narrative. Review the instructions How to Add Audio files in Power Point. It provides guidance so you are sure that the audio file is linked to your slides when you submit your work.

At the bottom of this page, there is a link to an oral communication rubric. This rubric WILL BE USED to assess the quality of your presentation and assign a grade for this assignment. Please review it carefully before you begin this assignment. Your presentation will be graded on the following attributes: organization, content, adaptation to audience, and delivery. The point value for each attribute and what specifically you’ll need to do in order to earn the maximum possible points on this assignment can be found in the oral communication rubric.

The purpose of using this rubric is to assist you in strengthening your presentation/oral communication skills. As you know, this is a skill set that’s essential for establishing a successful career. If you have any questions regarding the expectations as outlined in the rubric, please don’t hesitate to bring them to my attention.”

Oral Communication Rubric
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Objective    Weak    Marginal    Adequate    Strong
Organization    Demonstrate the ability to organize content logically, concisely, and in a manner appropriate to the assignment.    There is no logical sequence of information. Speech is rambling and unfocused    Presenter does not follow a logical sequence (jumps around in presentation).    Presenter follows a logical sequence. There are some minor problems with topic transitions. Introduction and/or conclusion are not clear.     Presenter follows a logical sequence with an effective introduction and conclusion. Each segment relates to others in a carefully planned framework.
Demonstrates the ability to support a central point or viewp01oint throughout the presentation    Insufficient elaboration and/or support (e.g., summaries, listings) in the presentation.    Limited elaboration and/or support in the presentation.    Support with some specific details and elaboration in the presentation.     Support through both specific details and elaboration apparent in the presentation.
Content    Demonstrate the ability to address an identifiable purpose in the presentation. This might include a central theme of view point depending on the nature of the assignment.    The purpose is not identified, is unclear, or inappropriate in the presentation.    Purpose is occasionally unclear in the presentation.    Clear purpose, but not consistently sustained throughout the presentation.    Clear purpose sustained throughout the presentation.
Demonstrates the ability to gather and sort information on a particular subject matter or topic.    Presenter does not have a grasp of information. Topic is poorly developed. Supporting materials are absent or vague. Trite ideas and/or unclear wording reflect a lack of understanding of topic.     Presenter seems uncomfortable with information. Topic is evident but with little or no elaboration.     Presenter seems comfortable with the information. Topic is evident with some supporting details.     Presenter demonstrates full knowledge of the topic with explanation and elaboration. The topic is well developed, effectively supported, and appropriate for the assignment. Critical thinking is clearly and creatively expressed.
Adaption to Audience    Demonstrate the ability to present information to varying audiences in such a way that the information is meaningful to that group.    Doesn’t respond to the needs of the audience.    Limited sense of the needs of the audience.    Addresses the needs of the audience.    Effectively addresses the needs of the audience.
Delivery    Demonstrate the ability to use communication aids (slides, posters, handouts) effectively in the presentation.     Communication aids are poorly prepared or used inappropriately. Slides may have grammatical errors or difficult to read. Too much material is included or unimportant information is highlighted.      Communication aids could be improved. There are no significant errors, but adds little to the presentation.     Communication aids are articulated clearly, but not engaging. Some material is not supported by communication aids.     Communication aids are easy to read, attractive, informative and error free. Communication aids greatly enhance the presentation. Excellent integration of communication aids.
Demonstrate the ability to give a vocal presentation that is appropriate to the assignment.     Speaks too fast or too slow. Volume inappropriate. Giggling or other inappropriate vocal behaviors such as unnecessary pauses interfere with the message. Extremely monotone, ineffective tone. Tone is unprofessional and disrespectful of the audience. Complete lack of enthusiasm or no interest in the topic presented.     Articulation, volume, pace, and pronunciation are acceptable. Slightly monotone. Tone is acceptable, but somewhat casual for a professional business presentation. Somewhat lacking in enthusiasm and assertiveness.    Articulation, volume, pace, and pronunciation are appropriate for assignment.  Speakers convey information, but delivery is dry and uninspiring. Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic    Articulation, volume, pace, and pronunciation are excellent. Fluid, natural delivery. Excellent vocal tone. Tone is professional. Enthusiastic and assertive.
Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate word choice and grammar in presentation.    There are many sentences with grammatical errors. Some sentences are incomplete/halting, and/or vocabulary is somewhat limited or inappropriate. Presenter mumbles and mispronounces several terms.     There are a few sentences that are complete and grammatical. Word choice is not always appropriate for presentation. Presenter mispronounces some terms.
Sentences are generally complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. With a few exceptions, words are chosen for their precise meaning. Presenter pronounces most terms correctly.     All sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. Words are chosen for their precise meaning. Word choice illustrates grasp of content and enhances presentation. All terms are pronounced correctly and precisely.

Demonstrates the ability to make an effective presentation that is free from bias (e.g. Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Heterosexism, etc).     Oral language is inappropriate and exhibits bias. Uses clichés, slang, jargon, racist, or sexist language. Some listeners may be offended.    Oral language is free from bias with one or two minor exceptions.     Oral language has no apparent bias. There is some inappropriate language.    Oral language is completely free from bias.

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Module 5 – SLP

Module 5 – SLP
Obstacles and Pitfalls to Success

For the last component of the project please prepare a PowerPoint presentation describing the healthcare management problem you worked on in this capstone course.
SLP Assignment Expectations

The slides of the presentation must specifically contain the following:

Introduction: (background and context of the problem)
Importance/relevance and extent of the problem
Stakeholder issues
Legal, ethical, financial implications.
Possible solutions and current attempts
Specific plan and its likelihood of success

Length: This assignment should be at least 10 slides in length.

References: At least 15 references should be included from academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journal articles).

Clarity: (e.g. points are concise and understandable)

Spelling: While no points are deducted, assignments are expected to adhere to standards guidelines of spelling.

Your PowerPoint presentation must include an oral narrative. Review the instructions How to Add Audio files in Power Point. It provides guidance so you are sure that the audio file is linked to your slides when you submit your work.

At the bottom of this page, there is a link to an oral communication rubric. This rubric WILL BE USED to assess the quality of your presentation and assign a grade for this assignment. Please review it carefully before you begin this assignment. Your presentation will be graded on the following attributes: organization, content, adaptation to audience, and delivery. The point value for each attribute and what specifically you’ll need to do in order to earn the maximum possible points on this assignment can be found in the oral communication rubric.

The purpose of using this rubric is to assist you in strengthening your presentation/oral communication skills. As you know, this is a skill set that’s essential for establishing a successful career. If you have any questions regarding the expectations as outlined in the rubric, please don’t hesitate to bring them to my attention.”

Oral Communication Rubric
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Objective    Weak    Marginal    Adequate    Strong
Organization    Demonstrate the ability to organize content logically, concisely, and in a manner appropriate to the assignment.    There is no logical sequence of information. Speech is rambling and unfocused    Presenter does not follow a logical sequence (jumps around in presentation).    Presenter follows a logical sequence. There are some minor problems with topic transitions. Introduction and/or conclusion are not clear.     Presenter follows a logical sequence with an effective introduction and conclusion. Each segment relates to others in a carefully planned framework.
Demonstrates the ability to support a central point or viewpoint throughout the presentation    Insufficient elaboration and/or support (e.g., summaries, listings) in the presentation.    Limited elaboration and/or support in the presentation.    Support with some specific details and elaboration in the presentation.     Support through both specific details and elaboration apparent in the presentation.
Content    Demonstrate the ability to address an identifiable purpose in the presentation. This might include a central theme of view point depending on the nature of the assignment.    The purpose is not identified, is unclear, or inappropriate in the presentation.    Purpose is occasionally unclear in the presentation.    Clear purpose, but not consistently sustained throughout the presentation.    Clear purpose sustained throughout the presentation.
Demonstrates the ability to gather and sort information on a particular subject matter or topic.    Presenter does not have a grasp of information. Topic is poorly developed. Supporting materials are absent or vague. Trite ideas and/or unclear wording reflect a lack of understanding of topic.     Presenter seems uncomfortable with information. Topic is evident but with little or no elaboration.     Presenter seems comfortable with the information. Topic is evident with some supporting details.     Presenter demonstrates full knowledge of the topic with explanation and elaboration. The topic is well developed, effectively supported, and appropriate for the assignment. Critical thinking is clearly and creatively expressed.
Adaption to Audience    Demonstrate the ability to present information to varying audiences in such a way that the information is meaningful to that group.    Doesn’t respond to the needs of the audience.    Limited sense of the needs of the audience.    Addresses the needs of the audience.    Effectively addresses the needs of the audience.
Delivery    Demonstrate the ability to use communication aids (slides, posters, handouts) effectively in the presentation.     Communication aids are poorly prepared or used inappropriately. Slides may have grammatical errors or difficult to read. Too much material is included or unimportant information is highlighted.      Communication aids could be improved. There are no significant errors, but adds little to the presentation.     Communication aids are articulated clearly, but not engaging. Some material is not supported by communication aids.     Communication aids are easy to read, attractive, informative and error free. Communication aids greatly enhance the presentation. Excellent integration of communication aids.
Demonstrate the ability to give a vocal presentation that is appropriate to the assignment.     Speaks too fast or too slow. Volume inappropriate. Giggling or other inappropriate vocal behaviors such as unnecessary pauses interfere with the message. Extremely monotone, ineffective tone. Tone is unprofessional and disrespectful of the audience. Complete lack of enthusiasm or no interest in the topic presented.     Articulation, volume, pace, and pronunciation are acceptable. Slightly monotone. Tone is acceptable, but somewhat casual for a professional business presentation. Somewhat lacking in enthusiasm and assertiveness.    Articulation, volume, pace, and pronunciation are appropriate for assignment.  Speakers convey information, but delivery is dry and uninspiring. Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic    Articulation, volume, pace, and pronunciation are excellent. Fluid, natural delivery. Excellent vocal tone. Tone is professional. Enthusiastic and assertive.
Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate word choice and grammar in presentation.    There are many sentences with grammatical errors. Some sentences are incomplete/halting, and/or vocabulary is somewhat limited or inappropriate. Presenter mumbles and mispronounces several terms.     There are a few sentences that are complete and grammatical. Word choice is not always appropriate for presentation. Presenter mispronounces some terms.
Sentences are generally complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. With a few exceptions, words are chosen for their precise meaning. Presenter pronounces most terms correctly.     All sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. Words are chosen for their precise meaning. Word choice illustrates grasp of content and enhances presentation. All terms are pronounced correctly and precisely.

Demonstrates the ability to make an effective presentation that is free from bias (e.g. Sexism, Racism, Ageism, Heterosexism, etc).     Oral language is inappropriate and exhibits bias. Uses clichés, slang, jargon, racist, or sexist language. Some listeners may be offended.    Oral language is free from bias with one or two minor exceptions.     Oral language has no apparent bias. There is some inappropriate language.    Oral language is completely free from bias.

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